Supplemental Vs Advantage Plans: Which Is Right For You?

If you are working on trying to figure out whether you want to sign up for an advantage plan or a Medicare supplement plan, there are several different factors that you should take into account. Before discussing specifics of how to choose, learning about each of the plans can be beneficial.  Medicare Supplemental Plans Medicare supplement plans are a way of paying upfront for complete coverage. There are several different plans that offer different coverage and consequently cost different amounts. [Read More]

Are You On A Budget? Private And Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance FAQs

Can you afford non-employer sponsored health insurance if you're on a budget? Before you skip this valuable policy, take a look at what you need to know about health insurance and the related costs. Who Will Pay for Your Insurance? Unlike employer-sponsored coverage, an individual private plan requires the insurance holder to pay all the premiums themselves. Even though employers offer insurance to qualifying employees, most companies won't pay 100 percent of the costs. [Read More]

How Can Medical Insurance Plans Benefit Healthy Adults?

Medical insurance plans cover more than illnesses and injuries. Most plans also include some level of well-care benefits. Take a look at how you can use private medical insurance services when you're healthy. Annual Check-Up You feel fine. Does that mean you can skip the doctor's visit? Even though you're healthy now, staying in top shape requires preventive care. An annual check-up provides you with the chance to discuss health concerns and lifestyle factors (such as diet and exercise) with a medical provider. [Read More]

Been Diagnosed With Early-Onset Alzheimer's? Make Plans For The Future Now

If you have been diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's, you know in the future you will not be able to make the right decisions. For this reason, you need to make plans now while you still can. Part of this is making sure your Alzheimer's needs are properly paid for, including medications, home care, and more. Below is some more information about this to help you get started. Social Security Disability [Read More]