Tips For Enrolling In A Medigap Plan

If you have recently become eligible for Medicare, you might have been sent a ton of mail about different Medigap plans, as well as your regular Medicare. You might have reviewed the regular Medicare literature and realized that there were some items that you were hoping Medicare would cover that it does not. This can lead you to take the Medigap plans more seriously. Here are some tips for enrolling in a Medigap plan in order to make sure that your health insurance is as comprehensive as possible. [Read More]

Feeling Sick And Tired All The Time? Check These 5 Signs You Could Have An Underactive Thyroid

Scientists estimate that around 10 million Americans suffer from hypothyroidism, and up to 10% of women may have some form of thyroid deficiency. If you're feeling perpetually under the weather lately, it may be worth considering whether this common condition could be affecting your health. 1. Your Digestive System Hates You Untreated hypothyroidism causes the body's digestive tract to slow down and take longer to process the food you eat. This means you're more likely to suffer indigestion as your stomach continues to produce acid to break down meals long after you've eaten them. [Read More]

Pregnancy And Your Individual Health Insurance Plan: What You Need To Know

The news that you are expecting a baby can be a great source of joy for you and your family, but you may wonder how it will work with your current individual health insurance plan. Here are a few things you should know about your pregnancy and your health insurance plan. Pregnancy Is No Longer A Pre-Existing Condition In some cases, you may find out you are pregnant before your individual health insurance plan takes effect. [Read More]

3 Questions To Ask When Shopping Around For Health Insurance

Shopping around for health insurance and then choosing one is a huge commitment, and you want to make sure that you find the best one for you and your family. In order to ensure that you are getting the coverage that you would like, it is very important that you ask your potential health insurance provider certain questions. The answers to these questions will then help you to choose the exact type of coverage that you would like, and will allow to see if this insurance is a good fit for you. [Read More]